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所需个人资料:网上报名所需的个人基本资料有:中文姓名,姓名拼音/英文姓名(中国大陆的考生请按新华字典的规则输入标准汉语拼音;香港、澳门和台湾地区的考生请以证件上的拼音或英文姓名为准; 非中国考生直接输入英文姓名),身份证件类别,身份证件号码,出生日期,电话号码,电子邮箱地址及通信地址。请确保你在上网报名之前拥有上述资料并确认其真实性和准确性。错误的信息将导致你不能得到 IELTS 考试的相关信息及考试成绩。因此,你有责任输入正确和真实的个人信息。你将对输入不正确个人信息造成的后果负责。


1. famous people=celebrities n名人

2. top stars n明星

3. successful business leaders n成功的企业家

4. international aids organizations n国际援助组织

5. support = give a support to v给予支持 ……

6. draws the attentions to problems = attract the public concern about …… v吸引了人们对于……的关注

7. celebrities make the problems less important = celebrities’ efforts are not that significant名人的关注对于社会问题没有什么影响

8. enhance the reputation of sth v提高……的美誉度

9. enlarge the influence of …… v扩大……的影响力

10. credibility n公信力;reputation n 美誉度

作家立场:名人对于慈善组织的关注可以使得公众对于一些社会问题更加重视, 因此,是值得鼓励的。





1. 明星作为社会的精英群体,应该传递正能量,名人的影响力是有导向性的,因此,可以吸引公众的关注。可以想象,对于一些社会问题的解决,公众的关注是有利好的影响。例如,在国际上某些国家发生自然灾害,需要经各类援助的时候,明星如果可以带头捐助,可以鼓励更多的慈善捐助,有助于帮助受灾民众摆脱困境。

2. 明星对于国际援助组织的支持有助于扩大慈善组织的影响力,很多慈善团体建立的初衷就是为世界上有困境的人提供义务援助,但是,很多慈善组织的发展阻力重重,困境来自财政的紧张,公众的误解等。如果明星可以连续地为慈善公益组织提供援助和宣传,这样,慈善组织可以吸引更多人的参与。明星以自己的积极的影响为慈善组织代言,可以提升慈善组织的美誉度和公信力。

3. 明星作为受到社会尊敬的群体,受到最多的赞美,得到相对高的经济回报,他们应该为社会做出更大的贡献,他们对于慈善组织积极的宣传或者援助,就是履行自己的社会责任,体现自我价值的方式。








首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点+作家立场

A charity organization usually assume much of the responsibility for aiding the needy, providing health care, and taking care of the victims of natural disasters and so on. However,whether the assistance from the celebrities has a inspiring role to play has ignited public debate. Personally speaking, the charitable giving from social elites can benefit the need, charitable institution and themselves.

解析:assume much of the responsibility v更多地承担责任

解析: However,whether …… has ignited public debate 然而,是否……引起了人们的争议

解析:charitable institution = a charity organization n 慈善组织

解析:help = assistance n帮助


二段: 正方观点的展开:明星支持慈善组织的利好:

First,as the attention-getting group,famous people should and could pass on active influence,for the speeches and behaviors of those top stars could set a fine learning example. For example, those nations suffering from the lack of medical care or insufficient financial support can, to a large extent, gain benefits from the generous donation from the celebrities if some natural disasters occur around the world. The warm-hearted helps deriving from generous business leaders or super stars can,in most cases,help those unfortunate countries to recover from the adversity. Also,since the support and concern from the influential figure could generate media awareness,those charities can become the beneficiaries too. The reputation and credibility of charitable institution can be greatly enhanced under the subtle impact of top stars. Last,celebrities,as a respectable group,usually live under spotlight, receive maximum praises and comfortable economic reward,hence,they are expected to make their unique contribution to the community as a returned favor. Their selfless donation could fulfill their social responsibilities, embody their kindnesses, and bring them great sense of satisfaction.

解析:personages = top stars = celebrities n 明星

拓展:famous people = influential figure = those who enjoy tremendous popularity n名人

解析:should and could pass on active influence 应该也可以传递正能量

解析:set a fine learning example v起到标杆作用

解析:hence = therefore = in this sense 因此

解析:as a returned favor 作为回报

解析:can become beneficiaries too 也可以成为受益者




Notwithstanding all that,some people might remain suspicious of my stand. For a start, some people argue that stars’ assistance is limited and thus less significant in terms of resolving some international problems such as helping the population of poverty-stricken countries shake off poverty or tackling global environmental contamination. Another argument hold by some people is that the impact of celebrities might be a double-edged weapon. By that they mean, if some stars fail to practice what they preach, then, the public might lose confidence in the organizations they publicized. Some anti-drug stars ended up becoming drug addicts might be a good example.

解析:Notwithstanding all that 虽然如此

解析:remain suspicious of my stand 对于我的立场保持怀疑

解析:and thus 因此

解析:helping the population of poverty-stricken countries shake off poverty v 帮助贫困国家人口摆脱贫困

解析:tackling global environmental contamination v解决全球环境污染问题

解析:Another argument hold by some people is that 很多人也许认为……

拓展:still,some people might believe that 此外,还有人认为

解析:end up doing sth 最终以……为结局


尾段: 再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)

In a nutshell,I re-affirm my conviction that no matter how trivial a star’s role can be,all famous people should do their utmost to fulfill their social obligations,to do some public service activities for those charity organizations can be an effective way to serve this purpose.

解析:In a nutshell,I re-affirm my conviction that ……总之,我重申我的立场

解析:no matter how trivial a star’s role can be 无论明星的作为多么渺小

解析:do their utmost to do 尽力做……

解析:to do some public service activities = to join in some public-interest activities 做一些公益活动

拓展:take up = embark on = undertake v做……

解析:can be an effective way to serve this purpose. 是一个有效的方式实现这个目标




1. play a helpful role in …… 在 ……方面发挥了辅助的作用

2. play an inspiring role in ……,在……方面发挥了激励的作用

3. impose a good impact on = have a really positive influence on v对于……有积极的影响

4. have a positive effect on…… v 对于……有积极的影响

5. make substantial contribution to v 为…… 做出巨大的贡献


1. a charitable institution = a charity organization n 慈善组织

2. subscribed to charities v 向慈善组织捐款

3. charitable giving n 慈善捐助

4. send money to help the victim of the famine v 捐款赈济饥民

5. out of the reason of humanitarianism 出于人道主义

解析:substantially adv极大地

6. beneficiaries n受益者

7. donors n捐助者;捐助国

8. donate to v捐助

9. public causes n 公共事业

解析:cause n事业

10. kindness and responsibility n善良和责任

11. legitimate charities n 合法的慈善团体

12. provide sb with necessary patronage v 给某人提供必要的资助

拓展:patronize v 赞助

13. insufficient funding n 资金不足

14. live under spotlight v 生活在聚光灯下

15. often appear on mass media v 经常出现在媒体上

16. give charity shows n 慈善演出

17. set a fine example for the public v 给公众做出良好的标杆

18. generate media awareness v 引起媒体的关注

19. To get involved in charity activities bear little relevance to common people 做慈善动和普通人关系不大

20. Top stars unusually live a extravagant lifestyle with luxury cars and beautiful villas 明星生活奢华,开豪车住别墅。

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